Palestinians of Syria.. Violation of Rights and Identity Challenges

Syria Ayman Abu Hashem
Executive Summary Palestinian refugees in Syria have not been spared from the relentless violent policies of the Syrian regime. Gross violations have been committed against them, and they have experienced a rapid erosion of the rights afforded to them by…

Economic Recovery in Syria: Mapping Actors and Assessing Current Policies

Syria, Turkey Ayman Al Dassouky, Dr. Salam Said, Maen Talaa, Mohamed Al Bdullah, Munqeth Othman Agha, Omran Center
Introduction The conflict in Syria that has been dragging on since 2011 generated many challenges that began to take shape as the conflict is coming to an end. Some of the key challenges pertain to early economic recovery which has…

The Syrian Military Establishment in 2019: Sectarianism, Militias and Foreign Investment

Syria, Terrorism and Security, İran Anwar Majani, Ayman Abu Hashem, Ayman Al Dassouky, Maen Talaa, Navvar Şaban
Introduction Questions about the fate of Syria’s security and defense sectors continue to be some of the most important questions facing the country today. These questions have only grown in importance since the revolution, both because reforming these sectors was…

Transformations of the Syrian Military: The Challenge of Change and Restructuring

Syria Ahmed Hamada, Bashar Narsh, Maen Talaa, Navvar Şaban, Omran Center
Executive Summary Throughout its history, the Syrian military has gone through a number of stages in its structural and functional evolution. These include processes undertaken based on the need to develop the military’s professional and technical capacity, or as required…

Centralization and Decentralization in Syria: Concepts and Practices

Local councils, Middle East, Syria Abdulhamid Alawak, Ayman Al Dassouky, Bashar Narsh, Bedir Mulla Rashid, Dr. Ammar Khaf, Maen Talaa, Mohamed Al Bdullah, Mohamed Saddik, Omran Center, Sasha El Alu
Introduction After seven years of conflict between the people and the Assad regime, Syria is now going through a difficult phase. The nature of the conflict has transformed whereby the role and effectiveness of local actors has been greatly maringalized…