MBA from the Australian University of Wollongong - Bachelor of Computer Science from American University - Information Unit Manager & Military Analyst, Produce Special Military Reports about MENA Region, Specialized in Syria, Publishes articles on "Syria Deeply & Atlantic Council", named by "Syria Deeply" as one of the most significant military experts in both Syria.

  Executive Summary In the wake of the Assad Regime’s collapse on the 8th of…
Tuesday March 04
In  Papers 
Introduction There is no doubt that the success of the Military Command in overthrowing the…
Thursday January 02
In  Papers 
Introduction The history of Syrian geography is inseparable from the history of its tribes, which…
Wednesday December 25
In  Papers 
Introduction An armed alliance of the Haya’t Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and the mainstream Syrian opposition…
Friday December 06
In  Papers