Media Appearance

Dr. Ammar Kahf commented on the latest developments in Aleppo where over 300,000 residents are now under seige. Dr. Kahf said the regime and its allies have been systematically using hunger nad starvation and beseiging cities as a tool of war. A sustainable solution should be reached through UNSC 2254 without Assad and by establishing order and stability

General Summary This report provides an overview of the key events in Syria during the…
Friday July 19
In  Reports 
Introduction Due to the escalating crises and conflicts worldwide, the growing number of individuals requiring…
Tuesday June 25
In  Papers 
 Executive Summary The uprising in Al-Suwayda Governorate reached its eighth month by April 2024, advocating…
Friday June 07
In  Papers 
General Summary This report provides an overview of the key events in Syria during the…
Thursday June 06
In  Reports